Fort Clark Baptist Church



Youth Ministry


The Youth Ministry is a body of believers joined together to serve the youth of the church and community. The purpose of the ministry is to lead the youth, adolescence, and teenagers to Christ and use every effort to help each of them grow personally and spiritually. It is our goal to teach them to embrace and operate in their gifts and talents given to them by God, apply Christian faith to daily life, integrate Christian values, participate in the Church, develop a personal relationship with Jesus, grow in life skills, develop a positive self image, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, and develop a personal spiritual and prayer life. We have the awesome task of not only leading and guiding them in the right direction, but walking with them and training them up throughout the process of becoming better Christians and citizens in society.

The Youth Ministry provides a spiritually based program for children who are newborns through the age of 17. This ministry gives our youth numerous age appropriate opportunities to interact with their peers while working and fellowshipping with people from all walks of life in a safe, nurturing environment. The Youth Ministry exposes our youth to experiences that will challenge them to grow and stretch spiritually and to reach our community, future generations and the world of Jesus Christ. The Youth Ministry A2J: Addicted to Jesus meets every 3rd Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm.